Monday 27 July 2009

Page 15

Dennis was getting worse with the drug situation, we hardly saw him he was either as high as a kite or in London shop lifting etc..... We had a gas meter that you had to put coins in to avoid getting bills and one night Dennis was out somewhere or other and I went and topped up the meter and as I put the coins in the noise it made dropping was as if it had been emptied, I called to Lorna and asked if the gas man had been but she said no. I couldnt understand it.
I felt all around the bit where the money was held but it all seemed intact. My suspicious mind was thinking Dennis , then I happened to feel around the back of the meter and I actually cut my hand on jagged pieces of metal. I called Lorna and she had a look and a circular hole had been cut out of the back of the box that held the coins. Usually the children took turns to put money in the meter hence me not knowing it was empty. We assumed Dennis had been emptying it after money had been put in.

I was so angry I said to Lorna I had no choice but to inform the police otherwise I would be in trouble myself but we decided to wait until he came home and then confront him. I knew he would not get too upset about the police as he accepted that if he did the crime he would have to take the consequences.

He came home about 9.00pm a bit worse for wear he had obviously had a good day, well I was just about to spoil it for him. I didnt like what I was about to do but I had no choice. When I confronted him at first he denied all knowledge of the damaged meter but eventually he realised how stupid he was being. I told him I would have to call the police and he agreed. He said he would probably go to prison again as he had just that day been caught shoplifting in London and had spent most of the day in West End Central police station. He had already got one charge against him for a few weeks ago. He said he probably would be remanded in custody it being the third offence in as many months. He said at least it would help him get off the heroin but I remember him previously saying it was easier to get in side than out side.

I rang the police and explained the situation and he said he would be straight round and to try and keep Dennis there. Dennis admitted everything to the policeman and was promptly arrested, they said he would be in the cells overnight and appear before a magistrate in the morning and he would determine whether he would be out on bail or remanded in custody. I was really surprised I thought Lorna would be upset but she appeared quite pleased....some marriage these two had.

I would have to inform the gas people in the morning I had no idea what they would do. They could check with the police. The next morning I rang the police station and they told me Dennis had been let out on bail and was on his way home, he was bailed to appear at crown court at a later date. I couldnt wait to tell Lorna she would be disappointed.

She was pregnant but refusing to eat she had always had a problem with food but now it was so important to give the baby a good start. She didnt eat enough to keep a sparrow alive but no amount of nagging helped. There was a letter addressed to Dennis it had the council logo on it I took it up to her as she was still in bed. It was the offer of a one bedroomed flat at last I would have my house to myself. I couldnt wait. How they were going to manage i had no idea.

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